Posted by : Bùi Quang Duy Jan 13, 2013

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Butt Ending

Talk: Hey, you work here?
Talk: Hello, man.
Talk: What's going on here?
Talk: What's the jacket for?
Talk: Why wear a shirt in this hot weather?
Touch: Side of stomach
Talk: You look really capable handling big machines.
Talk: Is it too warm? Better take off that undershirt.
Talk: Those jeans fit you like second skin...
Talk: Your body looks really incredible!
Talk: I want to keep you underwear…please?
Touch: Cock
Talk: You look ready to shoot, man! Go for it!

Bed Ending

Talk: Hello, man.
Talk: Nice hard hat...
Talk: What's going on here?
Talk: What's the jacket for?
Talk: Why wear a shirt in this hot weather?
Talk: You look really capable handling big machines.
Talk: Is it too warm? Better take off that undershirt.
Touch: Treasure trail
Talk: Those jeans fit you like second skin...
Talk: Your body looks really incredible!
Talk: I want to keep you underwear…please?
Touch: Cock
Talk: You look ready to shoot, man! Go for it!


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